Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Ways to improve the incentive impact on life imprisonment convicts
The article reveals some issues of application of incentive norms and institutions that
stimulate law-abiding behavior of convicts sentenced to life imprisonment. It is proposed
to supplement the penal enforcement legislation with a provision providing for the
transfer of positively characterized convicts to life imprisonment to a penal colony of strict
regime after serving at least 20 years in a correctional colony of special regime for life
In order to increase the effectiveness of the incentive effect on convicts it also seems
appropriate to provide for the possibility of transferring convicts from the strict regime to
the colony-settlement for the following categories of persons: convicted with a particularly
dangerous relapse of crimes; convicted to life imprisonment; convicted persons who have
been commuted to the death penalty by way of pardon. The possibility of transfer to the
colony-settlement for these categories of convicts will contribute to the maintenance and
restoration of their socially useful ties and successful adaptation to the conditions of life
in society.
In addition it is necessary to change the mechanism of grant of parole and provide
for this incentive institution only in respect of positively characterized convicts to life
imprisonment, transferred by a court decision from the special regime for convicts to life
imprisonment in the strict regime.
Keywords: incentive institution; convicts sentenced to life imprisonment; correctional institution; colony-settlement; changing the type of correctional institution; changing the conditions of serving the sentence
Professor of the Department of Penal Law and Organization of Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Senior Researcher of the Research Center-2 of the Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Law, Associate Professor
, e-mail
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11. Hutorskaya N. B., Makarchuk O. I., Fedosova Е. V. Zarubezhnyj opyt ispolneniya nakazaniya v vide lisheniya svobody
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