Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
On the issue of criminal responsibility for malicious evasion of compulsory work, correctional labor, limitation of freedom, receiving orders to be sent to a colony-settlement or not arrived to the place of punishment
The article deals with questions of criminal responsibility for malicious evasion of compulsory labor, corrective labor, limitation of freedom, receiving orders to be sent to a colony-settlement or not arrived to the place of punishment, there are considered criminalization bases, formulated supplements to the criminal legislation.
Keywords: malicious evasion; crimes against justice; criminal responsibility; criminally-executive inspection of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
Professor of the Department of Penal Law and
Organization of Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law
and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Chief Researcher at the Department of methodologies development of execution of criminal penalties
without imprisonment SIC-2 of the Research Institute of the Federal Penal Service
of Russia, Dsc. in Law, Associate Professor
, e-mail
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ot 01.02.2012). 2 Sm.: Osnovnye pokazateli dejatel’nosti ugolovnoispolnitel’noj sistemy FSIN Rossii (janvar’–dekabr’ 2015 g.):
Inform.-analit. sb. Tver’, 2016. S. 241.
ot 01.02.2012). 2 Sm.: Osnovnye pokazateli dejatel’nosti ugolovnoispolnitel’noj sistemy FSIN Rossii (janvar’–dekabr’ 2015 g.):
Inform.-analit. sb. Tver’, 2016. S. 241.