Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Forms of the exercise of judicial power in criminal proceedings in the context of the procedural status of the court as a participant in criminal proceedings
The article analyzes the procedural status of the court as a participant in criminal
proceedings, taking into account the specifics of its legal status and its functions. The
legal status of the court in criminal proceedings is determined by the lack of public or
personal interest in the outcome of the criminal case, which not only determines the
adversarial form of proceedings, but also guarantees the independence of the judiciary
in the administration of justice. The author comes to the conclusion that the concept of
“court” is collective, because, on the one hand, it is a state institution that is part of the
judicial system, on the other hand, a judge is a carrier of power, considering a criminal
case on the merits and making decisions stipulated by by law. The judicial system has a
sign of instancedness, due to its internal hierarchical structure. The presence of judicial
instances predetermines the movement of a criminal case, is a structural mechanism for
the implementation of the function of internal judicial control and supervision and also
protects the rights and legitimate interests of participants in criminal proceedings and
other interested parties. The powers of the court are considered on the basis of a functional
criterion, namely: resolution of the criminal case on the merits; control over the activities
of preliminary investigation bodies; consideration of complaints about actions (inaction)
and decisions of officials conducting criminal proceedings; response to the violations of
the rights and freedoms of citizens, the principle of legality, established circumstances
that contributed to the commission of a crime committed during the criminal proceedings
by issuing a private ruling or decision.
Keywords: court; substantive resolution of the criminal case; judicial control; authorization; complaint; coercive measures; investigative actions
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and
Criminal Proceeding of the Voronezh State Agrarian Emperor Peter I University,
PhD. in Law
ORCID 0000-0001-6838-4846
, e-mail
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14. Lebedev V. M. (red.) Praktika primeneniya Ugolovno-processual’nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii. Aktual’nye voprosy
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15. Ryabceva E. V. Pravosudie v ugolovnom processe Rossii [Justice in the criminal process of Russia]. Moscow, 2010.
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