Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
On the issue of exemption from criminal liability under the note to Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
The article discusses the issue of exemption from criminal liability under the special
note of Art. 205 of the Criminal Code. The introduction draws attention to the particular
danger of this type of crime as it can harm various objects of criminal law protection and
also has not a local, but an international character. The author provides statistics on the
number of terrorist crimes. In order to prevent the type of crime under consideration
the legislator has developed a special rule that stipulates a certain condition, in case
of fulfillment of which a person can be exempted from criminal liability. However when
implementing this rule, some problems arise. Firstly, the question arises of understanding
the conditions contained in the norm under consideration and its relevance to the special
norm of exemption from criminal liability or to the voluntary refusal of a crime. As a result
of the analysis the author proposes his own solution to this issue.
Secondly, the article considers the question of a possible condition that may arise and
be declared when a terrorist act was prevented by one of the participants who prepared
a socially dangerous act in order to prevent a crime. The researcher gives examples,
illustrating different situations in relation to the problem under consideration and gives a
classification of requirements that contribute to the prevention of a terrorist act.
Keywords: note; special rule; terrorist act; exemption from criminal liability; voluntary refusal; classification
Researcher of the Scientific-Research Center of the Research Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
ORCID 0000-0001-9348-0207
, e-mail
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