Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Public danger and criteria for its assessment
Public danger is a fundamental sign of any crime, but to date law-making practice has
not developed an algorithm to determine the presence or absence of a public danger in
an act sufficient to recognize it as criminal. Among legal scholars there is also a lack of
consensus on issues of the essence of the social danger of an act and the criteria for
its determination. All this gives rise to the inclusion in the criminal law of norms providing
for liability for acts whose social danger is very conditional. On the basis of the materials
studied in this work criteria are formulated, the establishment of the totality of which allows
recognizing the act as socially dangerous and, as a consequence, criminally punishable
Keywords: crime; signs of a criminal offense; public danger; wrongfulness; criteria of public danger; legal construction
Рlatoon commander of the Law Faculty of the Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia.
, e-mail
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10. Kruglikov L. L. (red.) Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. CHast’ Obshchaya [The criminal law of Russia. Part General]. Moscow,
2013. 563 p. (In Russ.).
11. Filimonov V. D. Principy ugolovnogo prava [Principles of Criminal Law]. Moscow, 2002. 138 p. (In Russ.).