Law enforcement agencies to combat crime in the Vologda region in 1985–1991 years
The study of the activities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime during the critical periods of the development of national statehood is of undoubted theoretical and practical interest. On the basis of new archival documents the author examined the factors, structure and dynamics of crime in the Vologda region in 1985–1991 years, studied the activities of the internal affairs agencies to combat crime. The author concludes that if in the initial period of perestroika under the conditions of the beginning of political and socio-economic changes and the revival of public life there was a decline in crime, then in the late 1980s and early 1990s its jump-like growth has been outlined. The systemic crisis of soviet society, the disintegration of government, the emergence of new forms of criminal behavior objectively impeded the work of police officers and led to an outflow of personnel. Despite the complicated situation the employees of the internal affairs bodies carried out their work professionally opposed not only petty, but also professional, organized crime.
Keywords: Vologda region; restructuring; internal affairs bodies; crime
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