Death penalty: for and cons
The article considers such a form of implementation of criminal liability as the death penalty. The subject of scientific research is a set of theoretical and practical aspects related to the genesis of this type of punishment. The authors analyze the position of scientists on the appointment of the death penalty and the effectiveness of its implementation. The publication provides examples from domestic investigative-judicial practice related to the most resonant criminal cases and sentences to this type of punishment. The article contains the results of representative sociological studies conducted in our country on the issue of abolishing or maintaining the death penalty in criminal law. As a conclusion authors’ recommendations are proposed to the domestic legislator on further regulatory regulation of this type of punishment in the modern legal system in accordance with international obligations and the situation in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: criminal liability; type of implementation of criminal liability; the problem of theory and law enforcement practice; criminal law relation; crime prevention optimization; effective implementation; the death penalty; punishment
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