Psychological Aspects of Analyzing and Assessing the Current State of Personnel Provision of the Penal System
Kaluzhina M.A., Pukhareva T.S. Psychological aspects of analyzing and assessing the current state of personnel provision of the penal system. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 4 (68), pp. 434–442. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.68.4.010
The problem of personnel shortage in the penal system is complex and requires implementation of economic, educational, organizational, legal and other social measures. In solving this problem, an important role belongs to complex studies of various branches of scientific knowledge. In particular, specific features of the psychological study of the personnel structure in order to determine personal and professional qualities of employees, their professional attitudes regarding those necessary for the successful solution of large and complex tasks have applied potential. The above circumstances determine the advisability of developing new approaches to the study of the issues under consideration, in particular, they require research into the creation of favorable working and living conditions in the context of securing experienced and qualified workers in the staff in the modern conditions of the labor market. Purpose: to study ideas about professional activities of the penal system employees on the example of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, to determine their generalized personality profile, to identify their professional attitudes and opinions regarding their individual professional career and current problems of the legal institution of personnel recruitment in the penal system as a whole; to determine current risks of “potential staff turnover”, to assess them by identifying and defining the signs that influence this social phenomenon. Methods: theoretical analysis, comparative analysis, online survey, statistical method, ranking method. Results: methods of studying a candidate for service in the penal system play a significant role, taking into account modern realities of the functioning of correctional institutions. It is crucial to timely assess “potential staff turnover” and identify signs that influence the subjective attitude of the employee. The signs include guaranteed confidence in the future, prestige of service in the penal system, its social approval, a competitive level of cash payments, and social guarantees. It is necessary to pay attention to penal system employees’ motivation to serve, the ability to fulfill their mission of rehabilitation and adaptation of criminals to integration into society. Conclusions: guidelines for solving the problems of the modern Russian penitentiary system should be based on an integrated approach to solving the key problem – staffing of institutions and bodies of the penal system: selection of candidates for service, selection and placement of personnel, adaptation, prevention of staff turnover.
Keywords: Public and state security; staffing; penal system; staff turnover; penal system employee;, career guidance; personal and professional qualities
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