Differentiation of Liability and Legislative Technique as Key Areas of Scientific Research of the Yaroslavl Criminal Law School (Case Study of Dissertation Research by Representatives of the Northwestern Region)
Lapshin V.F., Nekrasov V.N. Differentiation of liability and legislative technique as key areas of scientific research of the Yaroslavl criminal law school (case study of dissertation research by representatives of the Northwestern region). Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 4 (68), pp. 367–375. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.68.4.003
The article reveals the versatility and uniqueness of doctrinal scientific directions, such as differentiation of criminal liability and legislative technique in criminal law, through the prism of results of dissertation research prepared by representatives of educational organizations of the Northwestern region under the leadership of L.L. Kruglikov. Purpose: by considering works of L.L. Kruglikov’s students, to describe a phenomenon of the Yaroslavl criminal law school of the XX-XXI century – the “Kruglikov School”. Methods: the study is based on legal, analytical, historical and comparative methods, as well as the method of deconstruction. Results: the analysis shows that the dissertation research prepared by representatives of universities in the Northwestern region covers a fairly wide range of problems of criminal law. At the same time, all the works mentioned in the article were carried out within the theory of differentiation of liability and the rules of legislative technique and became a contribution to the formation and development of the Yaroslavl criminal law school. Conclusion: the research of representatives of the school in its entirety made a significant contribution to the development of problems of sectoral and intersectoral differentiation of liability, as well as legislative techniques of domestic and foreign criminal law. The analysis of dissertation research conducted under the guidance of L.L. Kruglikov shows that the doctrinal direction of differentiation of liability and legislative technique chosen by him turned out to be universal for the entire theory of criminal law.
Keywords: Criminal law; differentiation of сriminal liability; legislative technique; Yaroslavl criminal law school
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