Describing the Specifics of the Concept and Role of Legal Technique in the Development of Penitentiary Law at the Present Stage
Karpunina V.V. Describing the specifics of the concept and role of legal technique in the development of penitentiary law at the present stage. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 4 (68), pp. 358–366. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.68.4.002
Modern conditions of the development of our state require new approaches to the concept and tools of legal technique. A broad approach to the concept of legal technique significantly increases the scope of its responsibility, going beyond the exclusively external processing of legal acts, ensuring internal consistency and social conditionality of the norms of law. In this regard, the implementation of instrumental capabilities of legal technique can have a positive impact on the development of new branches of law and, in particular, penitentiary law. Methods: principles of dialectical-materialistic cognition, requiring an objective and comprehensive study of the subject in the totality of its contradictory sides, as well as a set of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction) and private legal (formal legal) methods. Purpose: to analyze applied possibilities of a broad approach to legal technique as a technique of legal regulation in the formation and development of new penitentiary law as a relatively independent branch of modern Russian law. Conclusion: the composition of legal technique as a technique of legal regulation directly includes normative and procedural technical and legal means (techniques), which help improve legislation and its social effectiveness. Improving social effectiveness of penal law is inseparable from the ideas and values of humanizing the execution of criminal penalties. Strengthening of this trend, combined with gradual expansion of the subject of penal law, create the necessary prerequisites for the formation of a relatively new branch of penitentiary law, the emergence of which is possible with the advent of either an updated version of the Penal Code or with the adoption of the Penitentiary Code. The article presents concrete proposals to improve both existing and new legal institutions, the emergence of which would make it possible to reasonably talk about penitentiary law.
Keywords: Legal technique; legal regulation; branch of law; penitentiary law; legislation; norms of law
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