Prospects of Legal Regulation and Algorithm for Marking Generative Content
Bodrov N.S., Lebedeva A.K. Prospects of legal regulation and algorithm for marking generative content. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 4 (68), pp. 348–357. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.68.4.001
The article analyzes mechanisms for legal regulation of generative content in the Russian Federation and considers an algorithm of marking generative content. The analysis of current legislation shows that the increasing role of artificial intelligence technologies in modern society necessitates the improvement of existing norms, as well as the development of new ones for the legal regulation of generative content turnover. The Russian legislator is trying to develop legislative measures to control the turnover of generative content, but currently there is not even a unified definition of a deepfake as a fundamental concept of this sphere. Purpose: on the basis of the existing classification of generative content types to describe the existing types of generative content labelling and to present the definition of a deepfake. Methods: comparative-legal, empirical methods of description, interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic, legaldogmatic and method of interpretation of legal norms, are applied. Results: the analysis of existing types of generative content, the purposes of its distribution demonstrates the need to create effective legal and technological mechanisms for regulating generative content. Theoretical provisions on the structure of subjects of creation and distribution of generative content are developed and recommendations on establishing their legal duties and responsibilities are offered. Conclusions: the mechanisms of legal regulation of generative content at this stage are reduced to the following: establishing the obligation of technology companies and users who create generative content to use watermarks to mark the content in order to inform other persons about the generative nature of the content; establishing liability for the refusal of marking or removal of any type of marking; establishing liability for the misuse of biometric personal data for the creation of a deepfake.
Keywords: Deepfake, generative content, legal regulation, content marking, liability
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