Anti-Corruption Education of Junior Schoolchildren from the Perspective of Comparative Pedagogy
Panova O.B. Anti-corruption education of junior schoolchildren from the perspective of comparative pedagogy. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 3 (67), pp. 335–344. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.67.3.0013.
: the article substantiates the expediency of organizing and conducting educational work on the formation of an anti-corruption worldview in younger schoolchildren; characterizes anti-corruption education of junior schoolchildren in terms of the ethical and legal approach that unites representatives of progressive domestic and foreign pedagogical schools; describes Russian and foreign innovative models for anti-corruption education to strengthen morality of children and form their inner readiness to behave in accordance with socially accepted ideas. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient coverage of the problem of anti-corruption education of younger schoolchildren in terms of their ability and readiness to adequately perceive and comprehend corruption in terms of describing effective forms of organizing educational and extracurricular activities. Methods: theoretical analysis of the research problem, comparative analysis, generalization and systematization of pedagogically significant information and normative documents, description of elements of pedagogical experience based on Russian and foreign sources of information. Purpose: to substantiate the importance of organizing anti-corruption education in primary schools, as well as to identify innovative approaches in the Russian and foreign experience to organizing anti-corruption education of younger schoolchildren. Results: when studying the pedagogical theory and practice presented in scientific and methodological works of Russian and foreign authors, the author comes to a conclusion about the importance and expediency of anti-corruption education of younger schoolchildren. The comparative analysis reveals common trends and differences in anti-corruption education of primary school children in different countries. General trends reflect the priority attention to the development of the child’s ethical and legal axiosphere in the course of his/her inclusion in various types of interactive activities. The most obvious contradiction between Russian and foreign practices lies in the content area. In domestic models of anti-corruption education of younger schoolchildren, emphasis is placed on morality and provides for the direct linking of the object of understanding to specific corruption-related events and facts. In foreign countries younger schoolchildren are absorbed in specific anti-corruption context, which ensures convergence of educational work with real life and increases effectiveness of anti-corruption education. A cross-cultural comparison of the considered pedagogical approaches indicates the relevance of using foreign experience in domestic practice against the background of the existence of different pedagogical views on the essence of anti-corruption education. The information obtained in the course of this study can serve as a basis for determining the content and means of anti-corruption education by primary school teachers in solving a wide range of tasks of educational work with younger schoolchildren, as well as changing pedagogical consciousness of those teachers whose pedagogical activities are focused on the priority use of information and educational tools. The study is relevant for law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service working with cadet classes, focused on forming law-abiding behavior in children and preventing development of illegal behavior of future employees, civil servants beginning from primary school age.
Keywords: corruption; anti-corruption education; primary school; junior schoolchildren; ethical and legal axiosphere; moral qualities of personality; pedagogical experience; comparative pedagogy.
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