Effectiveness of the Investigation of Criminal Cases when Using the Area Functioning as a Pre-Trial Detention Center on the Territory of a Juvenile Correctional Facility
Samokhvalov I.Yu., Skakov A.B., Stepanov M.V. Effectiveness of the investigation of criminal cases when using the area functioning as a pre-trial detention center on the territory of a juvenile correctional facility. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 2 (66), pp. 171–178. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.66.2.007
the article considers the problem of using areas functioning as pre-trial detention
centers located on the territory of a juvenile correctional facility in the process of conducting
investigative actions to investigate criminal cases against minors. Purpose: to study possibilities of
areas functioning as pre-trial detention centers for the full disclosure and investigation of criminal
cases against minors. Methods: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, etc.), private
scientific and special methods of cognition (comparative legal, formal legal, statistical). Results: the
process of investigating a criminal case while keeping a minor in a pre-trial detention center has a
number of negative sides associated with the negative influence of a criminal subculture, as a result
of which criminal infection occurs, prison world rules are acquired, which ultimately complicates the
process of investigating a criminal case. Conclusions: the process of conducting criminal investigation,
while keeping a minor in a pre-trial detention center, has a number of negative sides associated with a
negative influence of the criminal subculture, leading to criminal infection and acquisition of “prison”
rules, which ultimately complicates the process of investigating a criminal case.
Keywords: juvenile correctional facility; area functioning as a pre-trial detention center; investigation of a criminal case; investigative actions; interrogation; confrontation; prosecutor’s supervision.
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