Constitutional Values and Axiological Aspects of Understanding a General Object of Crime in the Criminal Law Doctrine
Zaryaev V.A., Solodovchenko D.D. Constitutional values and axiological aspects of understanding a general object of crime in the criminal law doctrine. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 1 (65), pp. 75–82. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.65.1.009.
Introduction: the article considers a problem of constitutional values that form the basis for axiological understanding of a general object of crime and a category “general object of crime” from a
value standpoint. Purpose: to analyze current approaches to the definition of the general object of
crime as a legal good, i.e. axiological aspects of the general object of crime. Methods: a dialectical
method is used to clarify concepts “constitutional value” and “general object of crime”; a comparative legal method – to compare the concepts discussed. Results: current scientific works are aimed
mainly at substantiating their fundamental importance and solving theoretical problems of embodying constitutional values in the form of norms-principles, norms-goals, etc. Constitutional values are
the basis for defining the general object of crime as a legal value. Considering the general object of
crime from a value standpoint allows us to determine which values, interests or legal benefits are
recognized by society as so significant that their violation is a crime. Conclusion: the category “general object of crime” covers an individual who has suffered from a criminal act and his legal interests,
such as life, health, property. Provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in general,
reflect a value-based approach to determining the general object of crime.
Keywords: legal value; constitutional value; crime; general object of crime.
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