Freedom of conscience without liability as a cause of juvenile crime
The article deals with the civil law peculiarities of the realization of the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of realization of convictions by minors, aspects of administrativelegal and criminal-legal responsibility for abuse in the realization of freedom of conscience, freedom of realization of convictions. As criminogenic determinants the contradictions of the legal personality of minors are revealed, when the realization of the right is provided from birth, and the responsibility comes at an age when it is rather difficult to reorient the subject of legalization in the socially constructive direction of the realization of law. In the aspect of the realization of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, the emphasis is placed on the implementation by minors of «other beliefs», on the problems of criminalization of the content of these beliefs. Examples of information sources that are perceived by minors violating the law are given as well as examples of forms of criminal implementation of freedom of conscience by them. At present the information flow that forms opinions, beliefs of minors through the media, is called to control by a number of federal laws. At the same time there are gaps in federal legislation that contribute to abuses of freedom of speech and mass information. The article suggests organizational and legal measures to prevent such abuses. The materials of the article can be used to organize educational work with minors, including convicts, in order to form critical thinking in them, as well as to make changes in certain regulatory legal acts.
Keywords: legal capacity; minors; freedom of conscience; freedom of religion; other beliefs; criminal responsibility; criminal liability; administrative responsibility; mass media.
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