Professional Skill Contests as a Means of Professional Development and Self-Realization of Higher School Teachers
Батова О. С. Конкурсы профессионального мастерства как средство повышения квалификации и самореализации преподавателей высшей школы // Пенитенциарная наука. 2024. Т. 18, № 1 (65). С. 108–114. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.65.1.013.
Introduction: the article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of legal acts regulating the conduct
of professional skill contests of higher school teachers, as well as specific managerial and pedagogical competitive practices. Professional skill contests are classified according to the content, method
of conducting, coverage by territory and category of participants. Significance of the competitive
movement for the teacher and for the higher education system as a whole is studied, the importance
of participation in contests is determined to confirm the expertise of the teacher, as well as to include
the participant in a personnel reserve to a higher position. The author, having successful experience
of participating in professional skill contests of various levels, as well as being an expert in competition commissions, proposes recommendations on organization of competitive events and participation of teachers in order to increase motivation for further professional growth. Purpose: based
on the theoretical and empirical research conducted, to determine participation of a higher school
teacher in professional skill contests as an informal way of professional development. Methods: generalization, analysis, including comparative; systematization, forecasting and modeling. Conclusion:
the advantages of professional competitions are revealed in terms of teachers’ understanding of
their own experience, which is necessary for subsequent self-realization. It is determined that taking
part in professional skill competitions helps a higher school teacher meet a mandatory requirement
for advanced training, build an individual trajectory of professional development, taking into account
the experience gained in project activities and acquire soft skills. Modern professional skill contests
give a person an opportunity to gain practical experience, usually in a team and in conditions of limited resources and time.
Keywords: professional development; professional contests; higher school; teacher; pedagogical skills; professional competence
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