Modeling as a Method of Shaping a Personal Future of Convicted Women
Zautorova E.V. Modeling as a method of shaping a personal future of convicted women. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 4 (64), pp. 451–458. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2023.64.4.013.
the article is devoted to the problem of studying convicted women’s plans for the future and using a modeling method to shape a personal future of female convicts in conditions of imprisonment. Purpose: to contribute to the construction of a positive personal future of female convicts on the basis of the use of the modeling method. Methods: theoretical analysis of literature, modeling methods, conversation, and classification. Results: to analyze convicted women’s plans for the personal future, we developed the following criteria: by time duration (long-term, mediumterm, current), by degree of parameter determination (deterministic and probabilistic), by planned actions (reactive, inactive, preactive). During individual conversations, three groups of life plans of first-time convicted women of various ages for their personal future were identified: 1) long-term, deterministic and positive personal plans for the future; 2) medium-term or current, probable, inactive; 3) there is no model of future life. Drawing up a detailed plan, modeling the prospects of life is the basic method of a person’s influence on their future. This makes it possible to more effectively build a correctional process for a more successful rehabilitation of the personality and its adaptation in society after release. Conclusion: plans for the future are all kinds of long-term goals (personal or professional), considered as a real benchmark of action. The personal future model is an accurate description of the life planning process, its sketch or reference point. In this study, the use of the modeling method in drawing up a personal future is a practice-oriented embodiment of life plans of convicted women, which allows them to see their future life as a whole process, as well as to isolate all components in their interrelation. Based on this, it is necessary to carry out specially organized work to study life plans of convicts, include them in various correctional programs in order to revise their views, realize the value of life, and model a positive personal future.
Keywords: places of imprisonment; female convicts; educational process; modeling method; positive future of a convict; personal plans.
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