Describing Manifestation of Aggressive Behavior of Male Convicts of Various Social Status
Cheremisova I.V., Feshchuk Yu.I. Describing manifestation of aggressive behavior of male convicts of various social status. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 4 (64), pp. 427–435. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2023.64.4.010.
the article presents an empirical study of the relationship between manifestations of aggressive behavior of male convicts and their social status in a correctional institution. Purpose: to identify typical features of manifestations of aggressive behavior of convicts with different social status for the development of a psychocorrection program taking into account these features. Methods: the study used methods of theoretical, theoretical and applied qualitative analysis, generalization; analysis of personal files of convicts; questionnaire survey; a survey of expert employees to obtain information about the social status of respondents, their relationships with other convicts and the administration of the institution. A complex of psychodiagnostic techniques was used to diagnose aggressive behavior of convicts of various social status. Results: having analyzed personal cases, the questionnaire survey of convicts and points of view of experts – employees of the institution, the authors singled out five groups of convicts. The respondents included in a certain group had similar individual psychological characteristics. The diagnostic study results show typological features of behavior of male convicts of various social status in a correctional institution. Conclusion: aggressive behavior of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty manifests itself in physical, emotional, objective, verbal aggression and self-aggression. The developed psycho-diagnostic complex for the study of aggressive behavior of male convicts can be used by penitentiary psychologists. Further research can be directed to the study of the specifics of the diagnosis and correction of aggressive behavior of convicts, depending on the penitentiary status, gender, and age.
Keywords: aggressive behavior of convicts; male convicts; social status of convicts; diagnosis of aggressive behavior; typological features of behavior; psychological characteristics of convicts; aggression types.
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