Administrative Basis of the Formation and Development of Public Service in Russia in the Pre-Revolutionary and Soviet Periods
Nagornykh R.V. Administrative basis of the formation and development of public service in Russia in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 3 (63), pp. 301–309. doi 10.46741/26869764.2023.63.3.008
Introduction: the article discusses the administrative basis of public service in Russia. Purpose: to highlight features of administrative regulation of the formation and development of professional public service in Russia in the prerevolutionary and Soviet periods. The methodological basis is formed by general scientific and private scientific (historical-legal, comparative-legal, descriptive, content analysis) methods of cognition of legal reality. The conclusions are substantiated that the development of a centralized Russian state entailed significant changes in the recruitment for the army that became regular in the middle of the XVI century. The main result of the development of public service in the pre-revolutionary period was the formation of a system of extensive legislative and subordinate regulation of key types of public service – military and civil (state and court), which in terms of legal technology was one of the most advanced for its time and served as the basis for further development of the administrative institute of public service in our country. It is noted that the Soviet nomenclature system of public administration and service in its characteristics did not correspond to global trends in the formation of a rational bureaucracy and was based on abstract ideological principles that were more political than legal in nature. Politicized principles of partisanship and classism that prevailed in our country and were primarily of a doctrinal political and legal nature, were aimed at forming a national legal ideology and determined the extremely specific content of legal policy on the development of administrative bureaucracy. The Soviet party nomenclature was never able to transform into a full-fledged public service and become independent of the political conjuncture, which did not allow the final formation of the administrative institution of public service in the Soviet period. The scientific and practical significance of the work consists in substantiating the provisions that the processes of democratization in Russia led to the gradual construction of a new model of public service based on modern achievements of social philosophy, theory of state and law, constitutional, administrative and other branches of law.
Keywords: public service; public administration; nomenclature system; democratization of public service.
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