Development of Online Courses as a Means of Improving the Domestic Lifelong Learning System
Kovaleva M.L., Shibaev D.V. Development of online courses as a means of improving the domestic lifelong learning system. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 2 (62), pp. 212–221. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2023.62.2.011
The article considers a systemic nature of the modern educational process and the necessity to provide education not only on the basis of a direct teacher–student interaction, but also indirectly, i.e. through distance forms. However, there is a problem of the lack of certain rules and requirements for creating online courses as completed parts of a specific industry or subject that is being taught. Purpose: to analyze the effective tools available in theoretical research and practice for progressive development of the lifelong learning system in Russia in the conditions of digitalization of the society with regard to the possibilities of both full-time and correspondence education. The specifics of the formation and inclusion of online courses in the educational process of departmental universities are studied separately. Methods: comparative legal, statistical methods of description, and interpretation. Results: the authors present a model of the lifelong learning system. The article discusses development of online courses that are supposed to make a lifelong learning system in Russia more effective and accessible to all categories of citizens. Capacities of online courses are analyzed and the algorithm for designing online courses in relation to the system considered is developed. The authors highlight features of forming an online course system for departmental universities, programs and the training regime, which may differ significantly from civilian universities. Conclusion: the use of the proposed methodology will form a unified approach and requirements for forming online courses to implement them in the educational process.
Keywords: Lifelong learning; design; online courses; digitalization; capacities; lifelong learning system; lifelong learning methods; use of online courses in a departmental university; limited access information
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