On the Concept of Prompt Investigation in Institutions Executing Custodial Sentences
Ivan’kov I. A. On the concept of prompt investigation in institutions executing custodial sentences. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 3 (59), pp. 293–301. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.59.3.007
Introduction: the article is devoted to the analysis of scientific sources on the definition of prompt investigation as an organizational and tactical form of law enforcement intelligence operations to ensure maintenance of law and order in correctional institutions. Purpose: based on the analysis of literary sources, to develop a definition of prompt investigation for operational units of the penal system to ensure law and order when executing a sentence of imprisonment. Methods: comparative legal, empirical methods of description and interpretation, theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic. Results: the analysis of literary sources on the issue under consideration made it possible to formulate the definition of prompt investigation in relation to activities of operational units of correctional institutions to maintain law and order in the execution of custodial sentences. Conclusions: the author made proposals on prompt investigation features when executing a sentence in the form of imprisonment, aimed at improving effectiveness of understanding this tactical form of prompt investigation activity.
Keywords: Federal Penitentiary Service; operational units; law enforcement intelligence-gathering activities
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