Prevention of Cadets’ Moral Alienation under the PersonalityDeveloping Approach in Professional Education (Case Study of Professional Education of Future Specialists of the Penal System)
Meshcheryakova E.I., Kovtunenko L.V. Prevention of cadets’ moral alienation under the personality-developing approach in professional education (case study of professional education of future specialists of the penal system). Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 2 (58), pp. 220–228. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.58.2.012.
The article studies a topical problem of moral alienation of modern youth in terms of preventing professional moral alienation of cadets of departmental universities (on the example of professional education of future specialists of the penal system). Purpose: on the basis of analysis and generalization of the results of domestic and foreign studies, to concretize the concept of professional moral alienation in terms of the personality-developing approach in professional education, substantiate possibilities of preventing the emergence (development) of this personal phenomenon. Methods: theoretical research (axiomatic, hypothetical, analytical, abstraction, formalization, etc.) in combination with empirical methods (observation, comparison, interpretation, etc.). Results: the conducted research made it possible to identify contradictions, reflected in the problem of professional moral alienation; determine professional moral alienation of employees of the penal enforcement system as one of its types, emergence and developed under predominant influence of professional environment factors; show that its formation is inextricably linked with development of intrapersonal disharmony, preventing the perception and acceptance of spiritual rules, norms and traditions significant for the professional community, as well as its value-semantic dominants, accompanied by an increase in professional marginalism, and manifested in evasion of professional duties, deviant behavior, professional burnout and other adverse consequences. Conclusions: the objectives to prevent professional moral alienation are most consistent with the development and implementation of a comprehensive pedagogical program in the context of the personality-developing approach to educating students. Regular activities, based on traditional and innovative methods and means, help cadets to achieve a sufficiently high level of formation of personal and professional qualities, significant for the prevention of emergence and development of professional moral alienation, stimulate formation of value-semantic dominants and professional identity as the antipode of professional marginalism of employees of the penal system
Keywords: prevention; moral alienation; cadet; future specialist; personality-developing approach; professional education; penal enforcement system.
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