Is There Any Reason to Single Out Penitentiary Law in the System of Russian Law?
Bobrov A.M., Mel’nikova N.A. Is there any reason to single out penitentiary law in the system of Russian law? Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 2 (58), pp. 118–126. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.58.2.001.
Introduction. Public relations are partly regulated by law, defined as rules of conduct, generally binding, formally defined, accepted in accordance with the established procedure, and guaranteed by the state. The system of Russian law includes a set of independent branches of law. The internal structure of the system of law has its own regularities, its development is conditioned by objective necessity, changes in legislation and social relations themselves, that is, the subject of regulation. The article considers existence and changes in the Russian system of law in connection with active identification of new branches of law in it by “progressive” researchers. The views available in science on the possibility or impossibility of recognizing penitentiary law as a branch are analyzed, and the etymological meaning of the term “penitentiary” for Russian reality is revealed. It is noted that initially there were prison studies, which gradually transformed into the science of penitentiary law. The purpose of the article is to define the content of penitentiary law as one of the directions of scientific research and refute the idea that penitentiary law belongs to the branch of Russian law. The methodological basis is formed by general scientific and private scientific (logical-legal, comparative, system-structural, content analysis) methods of cognition of legal reality. Conclusions: the article authors come to the conclusion that penitentiary law, as an independent branch, complex branch or sub-branch of penal law, has not been formed, and the attempts to substantiate it are artificial and theoretically untenable. It is necessary to focus legal scholars’ efforts on the problems existing within traditional and established branches of law, and not on artificial replication of new ones. At the same time, in the system of scientific knowledge, penitentiary science is certainly present as a field of study of issues related to the organization and functioning of the Russian penal system of representatives of various branches of law (penal, criminal, administrative, civil law, etc.).
Keywords: branch of law; system of law; administrative law; penitentiary law; penitentiary science; subject and method of legal regulation; penitentiary norms; penitentiary relations; penitential; correctional.Bobrov A.M., Mel’nikova N.A. Is there any reason to single out penitentiary law in the system of Russian law? Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 2 (58), pp. 118–126. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.58.2.001.
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