Israel Prison Service: Traditions and Perspectives
F o r c i t a t i o n : Kolontaevskaya I. F. Israel Prison Service: traditions and perspectives. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 1 (57), pp. 87–96. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.57.1.009.
Introduction: the article addresses problems of organizing, functioning and developing the Israel Prison Service in the context of maximum proximity to national realities and appropriate terminology. Purpose: on the basis of analysis of the current state and results of the Israel Prison Service activities, to identify and describe its structural and functional features, current problems of administrative management and further development prospects. Methods: comparative legal, formal legal, empirical interpretation methods. Results: the analysis of Israeli penitentiary system development has shown that its functioning is in line with the so-called evidence-based policy. This science-based policy is focused on managing activities of the department on the basis of identified and scientifically proved patterns. It is possible to work out an effective strategy for fulfilling the functions assigned to the department, resist modern challenges and threats, and determine ways to improve and develop the country’s penal system. Conclusions: the modern Israel Prison Service is in the stage of development and transformation. Changing expectations and demands of society determine cyclical changes in penitentiary and legal policy, and as a result, a deep public reassessment of the role that the Prison Service plays in the Jewish state. Solution of the tasks, such as raising the status and authority of the Prison Service, as well as purposeful creation of an attractive and socially respected image of civil servants (employees) of the penitentiary system has become an urgent necessity. The conclusion is made that nowadays in Israel cooperation of Israel Prison Service and fundamental science has ensured development of departmental penitentiary science that reasonably determines prospects and trends in the development of the Prison Service.
Keywords: Ministry of Public Security; Israel Prison Service; prison department; evidence-based policy; penitentiary science; administrative management.
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