Introduction. The article is aimed at characterizing reflection as a mechanism for social rehabilitation of juvenile offenders serving their sentence in correctional institutions; justifying the possibility of boosting this process by educational means; proving the expediency of using film pedagogy as a tool for the formation of self-reflection in juvenile convicts in correctional facilities. The purpose of this study is to identify the dynamics in the development of reflection of juvenile convicts under the influence of film pedagogy. Methods: theoretical analysis of the research problem, theoretical analysis of statistical data and normative documents, survey, experiment, methods of mathematical statistics, and an interpretative method. Results: after analyzing the statistical data reflecting trends in the penal enforcement policy in relation to juvenile convicts, the author forecasted the effectiveness of awareness-raising work stimulating the development of reflexivity in adolescents by means of film pedagogy. During theoretical description of a special film program, key ideas, pedagogical conditions and methodological solutions for its implementation were outlined; in further experimental study during the real pedagogical process, they were confirmed. The critical indicator of the proposed film program effectiveness was the level of reflexivity in juvenile convicts; positive dynamics in its development was determined with the help of the reflexivity diagnostic method developed by A.V. Karpov. The information obtained in the course of this study can serve as a basis for using the means of film pedagogy in solving a wide range of educational work with convicts in places of deprivation of liberty.
Keywords: juvenile correction facility, juvenile offender, personality, pedagogical process, educational work, educational event, film pedagogy, reflection, reflexivity, selfknowledge, self-esteem, self-determination.
Panova O. B. -
Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and
Pedagogics of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal
Service of Russia, Dsc. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Full Member of the
International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety
ORCID 0000-0002-6096-2581
, e-mail
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