Introduction: the article analyzes provisions of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation and its impact on the implementation of key legal institutions designed to ensure respect for the rights and legitimate interests of criminal proceedings participants by law enforcement and judicial authorities. Purpose: having studied effectiveness of the amendments made in the CPC and conducted statistical analysis of the results of criminal cases investigation, the author presents shortcomings in the legislation identified by the scientific community and law enforcement practice and proposes measures to improve both certain legal norms of the CPC RF and its procedural institutions in order to ensure constitutional provisions on the state protection of human and civil rights and freedoms. Methods: the researcher used historical, comparative legal and empirical methods for describing quality and legality issues in the investigation of criminal cases; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic. Private scientific and legal technical methods, as well as the method for interpreting specific legal norms were applied. Results: the analysis of development of Russian and foreign criminal procedural legislation and law enforcement practice objectively indicates that the absolute majority of the amendments made to the Code contributed to enhancing performance of pre-trial investigation or initial inquiry bodies in implementing the provisions of Article 6 of the CPC. It stipulates protection of the rights and lawful interests of the persons and organizations, who (which) have suffered from the crimes, as well as their protection from unlawful accusations and conviction, and other restrictions of their rights and freedoms. Betterment of the criminal procedural legislation is also aimed at overcoming formalization of its individual provisions and bureaucratization of actions of the inquirer, investigator, prosecutor’s office and judicial community in the investigation and trial of criminal cases. Conclusions: to adapt the modern Russian criminal process to modern realities (new types of crimes and methods of their commission, increased requirements for ensuring legality in activities of pre-trial investigation bodies, their compliance with procedural deadlines in criminal cases and improving investigation quality) it is necessary to make changes in pre-trial proceedings, in particular, to reorganize procedural rules for commencement of criminal proceedings; bringing investigation terms into line with the provisions of Article 61 of the CPC on a reasonable period of criminal proceedings; differentiating investigation forms, etc. All this is focused on improving effectiveness of the fight against crime and its most dangerous types.
Keywords: pre-trial proceedings; criminal case; procedural deadlines; legality and
quality of investigation; improvement of legislation.
Gavrilov B. Ya. -
Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure,
Criminalistics and Operative Investigation of the Vologda Institute of Law and
Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Law, Professor,
Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
, e-mail
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