Counteraction to threats of economic security in the bank sphere
The urgency of the problem of investigating the countering threats to economic security is caused by an increase in the need to protect the economic interests of the individual, society and the state in modern conditions. Obviously first of all it is necessary to deal with the most dangerous forms of encroachment on economic security. One such form is the criminal encroachment in banking sector, which in fact is the key mechanism for the functioning of the entire economy of the state. The object of the study are public relations, which are formed in the sphere of counteraction to threats to economic security in the banking sector. The subject of the study are threats; reasons and conditions that contribute to encroachments on the economic security of banking sector; measures to counteract crimes that encroach on the economic security of banking sector of the economy. The article analyzes the state of economic security in banks, the causes of crimes in this sphere and prevention measures for their prevention, as well as regulatory legal acts on the organization of combating money laundering in banks; methods and tools for managing the risks associated with the legalization of the proceeds of crime through banks are defined. The practical significance of the research is that the conclusions and recommendations can be directly used in law enforcement activities, as well as information security services in banking institutions. In addition the author substantiated proposals to improve the system of internal banking control to counteract the legalization of proceeds from crime.
Keywords: economic security; bank; bank sphere; crime prevention; criminality; banking security; cheating; plunder.
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