Basic Model of the Psychological Well-Being of VIPE FSIN Cadets and Penitentiary Staff
Malyshev K.B., Malysheva O.A. Basic model of the psychological well-being of VIPE FSIN cadets and penitentiary staff. Penitentiary Science, 2021, vol. 15, no. 2 (54), pp. 443–450. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2021-15-2-443-450
Introduction: in the present paper, we establish a connection between psychological well-being and occupational orientation of an individual and build a complete, ordered and comprehensive picture to measure the profiles of psychological well-being of an individual. Aim: to build a three-factor basic model and optimize the corresponding basic measurement technique for psychological well-being of an individual. Methods: systembased modeling of information about the psychological well-being of an individual. The hypothesis of the study: the psychological well-being of an individual is associated with their occupational orientation. The study pursues the following research tasks: 1) to build a three-factor basic model for psychological well-being and establish its connection with the occupational orientation of an individual; 2) to use a basic approach when designing a technique to measure the psychological well-being of an individual and to optimize the appropriate procedure for its application in psychodiagnostic practice; 3) to build a complete, ordered and comprehensive picture to assess the profiles of psychological well-being of an individual; 4) to determine the dominant profile of the psychological wellbeing of VIPE FSIN Russia cadets and penitentiary staff. Results: the results of our study help to optimize the measurement of psychological well-being of an individual so as to “simplify” its diagnostic procedure. The article describes the concept of “occupational well-being” and provides a complete picture consisting of 64 hexagram profiles of the psychological well-being of an individual. Conclusions: the psychodiagnostic research has shown that the hexagram profiles of psychological well-being in cadets and penitentiary staff are different. VIPE FSIN cadets have four dominant types (at a high and very high level), these are “Positive relations with others”, “Personal growth”, “Purpose in life” and “Autonomy” with appropriate internal self-esteem. “Self-acceptance” and “Environmental mastery” were not observed in cadets at all (or were observed at a low level). There are four dominant types (at a high and very high level) among penitentiary staff, these are “Positive relations with others”, “Self-acceptance”, “Environmental mastery”, and “Purpose in life”; “Personal growth” and “Autonomy” were manifested at a low level.
Keywords: Psychological well-being; occupational orientation; typological profile; basis; three-factor basic model; hexagram
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