Introduction: the paper addresses the issue of enhancing the role of individual extramural studies for students of higher education institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and searches for ways to form students’ attitude towardindividual extramural studiesas a significant component of the educational process. Aim: description and scientific substantiation of a pedagogical technology aimed to develop educational self-sufficiency in future staff of the penal system. Methods: theoretical methods (studying and analyzing psychological and pedagogical literature on the subject, pedagogical simulation) and empirical methods (survey, performance results analysis). Results: in the course of our research we formed a set of definitions and terms, the key one among which is “educational self-sufficiency”. Pedagogical simulation helped us describe distance educational technology based on interactive pedagogical communication using Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle). This technology focuses on the development of cognitive motivation in students, and the motivation source is found in a professionally oriented educational dilemma. An educational dilemma serves as an informational and conceptual unit that covers the content of a certain topic and the corresponding competence laid down in the structure of an academic discipline. The empirical research we conducted has shown that the use of this educational technology actually mobilizes students’ cognitive activity and fuels their interest in learning and future profession beyond the topics intended for classroom-based studies. Conclusions: we have found out that the performance efficiency of individual extramural studies depends on how the teacher organizes external supervision. It should correlate with the inner needs of students and bring to the fore a wide range of cognitive motives: motivating directly, motivating intellectually, motivating prospectively. Being in line with these conditions, the educational technology we describe can be used on a large-scale basis.
Keywords: educational self-sufficiency; educational process; pedagogical technology; cognitive motives; educational dilemma; electronic educational environment.
Panova O. B. -
Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and Pedagogics of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Full Member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety
ORCID 0000-0002-6096-2581
, e-mail
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