Classification of crimes in the field of innovation (by the criterion «the application scope of innovation»)
Innovation activity and its results are of great interest for any state as it is innovations that determine the scientific and technical leadership today, not to mention in the future. However in Russia very seldom innovations find application in the production, with the result that the proportion of profit from innovation to total revenues is negligible. The reason for this is not understanding the essence and significance of innovations as well as the weak organization of protection of the analyzed public relations category. In this paper the author has tried on the basis of the analysis of essence of innovations and innovative activity to investigate separate aspects of the organization of criminal and legal protection of this specified activity. In this paper on the basis of classification of innovations according to such criterion as area of application of innovation are formed groups of corpus delicti included in the current Criminal code of the Russian Federation. The division is generally aimed at improving the effectiveness of the criminal law in the field of innovation, as it allows to distinguish similar violations among themselves and to develop recommendations to improve the norms related to abuses in the field of innovation.
Keywords: innovations; innovative activity; crime; criminal-legal protection
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