On the application of computer testing systems for testing knowledge of students and cadets of higher education institutions
Computer tests are widely used in pedagogical practice in pedagogical practice to measure the level of competence development of students, cadets, listeners. the control of knowledge, which takes place in the process of computer testing, reveals the quantity and quality of mastering the educational information, as well as enables the teacher to adjust the course of classroom activities and the organization of independent work of students. In departmental high school (the Vologda Institute of law and economics of the Federal Penal Service of russia) in the modern period the educational process is also difficult to imagine without the use of computer textbooks, problem books, simulators, laboratory workshops, encyclopedias, reference books, various systems of test control of knowledge of cadets and students. they constitute an extensive class of educational information technology tools. one of the conditions for effective training of future employees of the penal system is the use of modern computer software for quality control of knowledge in the learning process. the educational organization created and used computer tests to check and control the knowledge of most disciplines and courses, including special offers. Within two years the pedagogical experiment on computer control of knowledge of listeners was carried out. More than 500 subjects took part at the experiment. Computer tests, as well as the computer testing system as a whole can not yet replace the traditional forms of knowledge control, which include control and independent work, tests, oral and written surveys, exams. however the computer form is a convenient form of knowledge control, which allows to spend less effort to check and process the results. the results of the pedagogical experiment confirm the possibility of systematic computer testing (introductory, thematic, intermediate, final) to deepen the knowledge of students and cadets.
Keywords: competence; knowledge control; computer test; web testing; universal test complex; computer control of knowledge.
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