Some problems of rehabilitation in the Russian criminal proceeding
The article highlights and discusses the problems of implementing the standards of the rehabilitation institute in the Russian criminal process. Options are offered for solving problems, taking into account the current principles of criminal justice and the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The first problem is the realization of the right to partial rehabilitation of persons accused in the course of an investigation in a much more serious crime than was established by a later convicted court verdict and subjected to preventive measures in the form of detention. This raises the question of rehabilitation in case of a change in the course of the trial of the number of crimes in which the rehabilitated was accused. In the first case the authors suggest presuming the person’s right to rehabilitation. The second case in the judicial practice does not cause serious contradictions, the article proposes to make appropriate changes to Chapter 18 of the of Criminal Procedure Code. Another problem relates to the clarification of civil law norms that give the right of recourse claims to officials of investigation and inquiry authorities in case of rehabilitation of persons prosecuted in criminal procedure. Proposals on clarifying the norms of civil law are formulated. It is proposed to consider the basis for recourse claims against the investigator, who brought a person who has been rehabilitated to criminal responsibility, a guilty verdict, which entered into legal force, establishing the fact of illegal actions of an official.
Keywords: rehabilitation; partial termination of criminal prosecution; detention; compensation for harm; recourse requirements.
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