Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness professional retraining of the detachments chiefs of convicts
In this article the problem of improving the work of the penal system of the russian Federation is considered from the point of view of educational activity. training of personnel as an organizational and management problem involves the implementation of a set of tasks at several levels. the first level of tasks is related to the formation of the personal position of the detachment head of the convicts to their professional activities. the article describes in general terms the conditions for the formation of this position. the main condition is indicated – the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of the officers necessary for builing a holistic process of correcting convicts. the second level of solving the problem is the organization of retraining of the detachment commanders who do not have a basic psychological and pedagogical education. Based on a brief description of the characteristics of employees as listeners of such courses the essence of retraining is revealed. the approaches to the selection of the content of the retraining program are also indicated. the third level of tasks is connnected with the refinement of the criterion-evaluation apparatus used to determine the effectiveness of the program being implemented. the criteria are selected taking into account pragmatic, competence and personality-oriented approaches to training. the indicators reflect the essence of the educational activity of the listeners, help to identify the level of their satisfaction with the content of the program and the willingness to apply the knowledge gained in their daily practice. the proposed criteria and indicators can be used to determine the effectiveness of educational programs for retraining and advanced training courses.
Keywords: retraining of chiefs of detachments of convicts; additional professional program; criteria and indicators for the implementation of the retraining program; diagnostic tools.
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