Peculiarities of educational work with minor convicts of suicidal behavior in the penal institutions
the problem of suicide is now becoming more urgent: every minute in the world someone attempts an intentional suicide. Suicidal behavior should be understood as volitional actions of personality, the ultimate goal of which is an attempt on suicide or an act of suicide.
the risk of suicide is quite high among convicts who are in prison. Characteristics of the personality of the minor suicides are largely due to the characteristics of adolescence. the causes of this condition in adolescents are the difficulties of the conditions of serving a sentence, penitentiary stress, an unfavorable social environment, the presence of drug and alcohol addictions, exposure to a prison subculture, etc. as a result the state of health worsens, general emotional instability is observed, which stimulates suicidal manifestations.
In this regard educational work is needed to address the problems of suicidal behavior of adolescents. employees of educational colonies should use all possible pedagogical means for the prevention of these phenomena among minor convicts jointly with other specialists.
Keywords: educational work; an educational colony; the identity of the minor convicted; suicidal behavior; characteristics of juvenile suicides; causes of suicidal manifestations; individual approach; forms and methods of educational work.
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