Philosophical-anthropological foundations of psychotherapy of convicts
the article is devoted to the substantiation of the need for a philosophical- anthropological approach to the development of the methodology of penal psychotherapy aimed at the resocialization of convicts who are in correctional institutions. the reasons for the delay in penal psychotherapeutic practice from the theoretical achievements of modern psychology and other fields of science are considered. the relevance and significance of the philosophical analysis of penal psychotherapy is substantiated in the context of the interdisciplinary approach. on the basis of theoretical approaches of various philosophical schools the problems of cognition of the psyche, consciousness, unconsciousness and spiritual in the inner space of the subject are revealed. It is shown that the modern stage of the development of anthropology in the field of views on the nature of the mental world of man and the phenomenon of consciousness is characterized by a rethinking and a change of philosophical paradigms based on the principles of post-non- classical science. the importance of creating a methodological basis for psychotherapy of convicts is conditioned by the need to take into account the achievements and principles of modern philosophy based on the synthesis of its paradigms with other fields of science and the rapprochement with the knowledge of oriental schools of philosophy and religious views on the nature and goal-setting of man.
Keywords: psychotherapy; philosophy; anthropology; philosophical anthropology; psychology; culture; methodology; interdisciplinary approach; metapsychological theories; paradigm; discourse; post-non-classical science; subjective reality; consciousness; soul; spirituality; principle of hierarchy; existential psychology; coping behavior; copying; metaphysics; transpersonal psychology; transcendence; the principle of non-causality; programs and methods of psychotherapy of convicts; mental personality disorder; stress disorders; psychopathology; crime; spiritual scarcity; inculturation; correctional institution; convict.
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