Obstruction of a public event, committed by the official: questions of the object interpretation
an important question of criminal and legal characteristics of obstructing the holding of meetings, rallies, processions, demonstrations or picketing, committed by the official, is the determination of the object of the criminal encroachment. on the basis of correct understanding of object qualification of crime, its separation from adjacent structures of crimes the question of public danger is resolved.
on the basis of the analysis the modern achievements of science and materials of judicial practice in article is revealed the author’s understanding of the content of object of crime provided by art. 149 of the Criminal Code of the russian Federation, the mechanism of causing to it harm is analyzed.
It is proved that the obstruction of a public event, committed by an official, is a special case of non-violent abuse or violent abuse of power, which is assessed by the legislator as a less dangerous act than provided for in art. 285 or art. 286 of the Criminal Code. taking into account the constitutional provisions on the importance of human rights, it is proposed to increase the sanction in art. 149 of the Criminal Code, which will exclude the formulation of the question of the qualification of the committed by an official under the rules of the totality of crimes.
the question of the victim of a crime under art. 149 of the Criminal Code is considered. as such can be the organizers and participants of public events: citizens of the russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons. taking into account the data on the victim and his or her ability to protect his or her right to freedom of peaceful assembly, it is proposed to classify the crime under art.149 of the Criminal Code as crimes of private prosecution.
Keywords: obstruction of a public event; official; competition of criminal law norms; private prosecution.
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