On the implementation of security measures in the form of the issuance of weapons, special means and means of alerting the personnel of the penal system and their relatives
one of the effective ways to ensure the state protection of employees of the penal system and their relatives is the application of security measures provided for in art. 5 of the Federal law «on State Protection of Judges, officials of law enforcement and Control authorities».
the use of security measures in the form of arms and special means is most expedient for the staff of the penal service since they possess the service weapon, special means and have the skills to use them.
the analysis of certain provisions of this law and the procedure for issuing weapons to persons subject to state protection, which is a close person of the officer of the penal system, showed the existence of contradictions between them in the absence of powers of the bodies and institutions of the Federal Penal Service of russia to extradite weapons to protected persons. to eliminate the revealed contradiction it is proposed to include in the appropriate order the bodies and institutions of the penal system.
another legal gap was revealed in the course of analysis of the grounds for the use of physical force, weapons, special means by the staff of the penal system. the legislator defined the boundaries within which the right to use weapons, special means and physical force can be realized, namely the territory of correctional facilities and remand centers. however law enforcement practice shows that ensuring the personal safety of the protected person must be guaranteed outside the territories of institutions too. In order to eliminate the corresponding contradiction it is necessary to amend art. 28 of the law «on institutions and bodies that carry out criminal penalties in the form of deprivation of liberty» to expand the limits of the use of weapons, special means and physical force outside the territories of institutions in the event of the implementation of security measures against the protected person.
Keywords: state protection; security measures; staff of the Penal System; delivery of weapons; special means; measures of state coercion.
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