Penal colony-settlement – a kind of imprisonment
The paper presents the positions of scholars who testify that the colony is not a place of imprisonment. On this basis, in particular, it is proposed to replace the colonysettlement to correctional centre, who execute the punishment in the form of forced labor. The author notes that, indeed, in prisons and colony-settlements there is a lot in common, but he defends the position that they differ in the nature of coercion and there is no need to abolish the colony-settlement. They are a kind of an open correctional institution, provided by the rules of international law, and also have a place in many developed countries. A colony differs from the correctional center on the legal implications of serving punishment in them; the convicts are isolated from society, but to a much lesser extent than in closed correctional institutions. The protection of this colony is provided by means of supervision. For convicts are set limitations in acquiring and storing food and necessities. For prisoners in open prisons are provided trips outside of the colony on the same grounds as for convicts in closed correctional institutions. There are checks the convicts, is set a strict daily schedule, etc. All this indicates that colony-settlement is a kind of correctional institution, which executes the imprisonment.
Keywords: colony-settlement; confined isolation of prisoners; correctional centers; open penal colony; supervision of convicts; forced labor; the place of imprisonment.
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