Legal education of convicts: the search for new approaches
Technology of legal education is to be improved. The guiding influence on the convict on the part of the penal system employee implementing legal education should take into account a multitude of various factors both external and internal. Psychological and pedagogical practices aimed at implementing such a guiding influence can be very diverse but also the legal aspect of the issue should also have a certain variability. Some prisoners, based on their unfree condition, negatively regard any manifestations of the «dictatorship» on the part of the state, including the «dictatorship of the law». We need to use approaches that allow us to look at this «dictatorship» from a different angle and take the compulsory power of the state as a conscious necessity. As a sort of «soft power» can be the theory of natural human rights, which are usually considered as a basis for the superstructure in the form of positive law. In some cases it is expediently to move from the propagation of legal knowledge to the comprehension of its essence, deep foundations. The essence of law is multifaceted, what confirms the existence of several monographic studies of this phenomenon. The ideology that underlies the illegal activity of prisoners, and not their knowledge at the theoretical level, needs transformation. It is most difficult to change the direction of their thinking, since here the level of the dispute is transferred to the metatheoretical plane, where the tone is given not by terms but by concepts and categories.
Keywords: Legal education; natural human rights; legal understanding; legal culture; the philosophy of law; motivation in law; sense of justice; positive law.
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