Legal problems of pension provision for persons who served in bodies and institutions of the penal system and their families
the article presents a scientific analysis of some problems of legal regulation of pension provision for persons who served in institutions and bodies of the penal system and their family members; the experience of solving these problems in the legislation of the republic of Belarus is given; proposals are formulated to improve legislation and law enforcement activities aimed at raising the level of social and legal protection for employees of the Federal Penal Service. among the basic principles of improving legislation in the field of legal regulation the following are highlighted: ensuring the social security of employees, encouraging them to become attached to the service and serving the job, combined with economic incentives for deferred retirement; the establishment of a unified approach to the procedure for calculating the length of service for years and of monetary allowances for the purpose of a pension on the one hand, and taking into account the specifics of the service in the penal system and its various divisions, on the other hand; regulation of issues of pension provision for persons who served in institutions and bodies of the penal system, at the legislative level within the framework of a special law, excluding duplication of legal norms in other legislative acts; ensuring the validity and objectivity of the legislative changes introduced.
Keywords: penal system; law enforcement service; social protection; legal protection; pension provision.
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