The history of the development of the parole institute in Russia
The article discusses the development history of the institution grant of parole in Russia as an important incentive for law-abiding behavior of convicts, describes its occurrence and development at different periods of Russian history. Various legal acts are analyzed that directly or indirectly affect the basis and procedure for the application grant of parole at different stages of its existence. The periodization of the establishment of the institution grant of parole is given, taking into account the political, economic, social factors of the country’s development. The material and formal grounds for the application grant of parole are disclosed, the advantages and disadvantages of the functioning of this institution in different periods are reflected. The historical experience of the creation in 1909 in the Russian Empire of the provincial Special Meeting as a specialized body for the preliminary consideration of issues on parole of convicts is presented. Ways are proposed to improve the modern criminal and penal legislation, taking into account the historical experience of applying the institution grant of parole and the principles of the gradual and sequence of providing incentive effects on prisoners for their successful social adaptation. The necessity of creating a specialized independent public-state body in Russia endowed with the authority to participate in resolving the issue of conditionally early release of convicts is substantiated. It is advisable to vest penal inspections with the appropriate increase in their staffing powers to control persons released on parole. In general a conclusion is drawn on the significance and relevance of this incentive institution.
Keywords: grant of parole; history of the legislation development; incentive institution; stimulation of law-abiding behavior; convicted to imprisonment
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