Manuscript Preparation and Submission Guidelines for Authors
1. General provisions
1.1. The requirements for articles submitted to the research and practice journal Penitentiary Science have been developed in accordance with criteria of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) under the Ministry of Education and Science for inclusion of scientific publications in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications authorized to publish major research findings of candidate of sciences and doctor of sciences dissertations (hereinafter – the VAK List); the requirements also comply with criteria of citation databases Web of Science, Scopus, and Russian Science Citation Index and are mandatory for all authors.
1.2. When submitting an article to the editor of the research and practice journal Penitentiary Science (hereinafter – “the editor”, and “the journal”, respectively), authors agree that their full name, academic degree and rank, name and address of the workplace, position, e-mail, phone number, ORCID ID, Researcher ID, and the article’s title, abstract, keywords and references can be placed in an open and free access at any online source selected by the editor, in Russian and in English.
1.3. Authors make sure that the personal data they provide are accurate and up-to-date, their translation into English is correct, the materials they use are reliable, citations – accurate and references – correct.
1.4. Book reviews, information about scientific conferences, and chronicles of scientific events are also accepted for publication. Articles should reflect the results of a completed and methodologically correct work.
1.5. Articles that do not meet these requirements are not accepted for consideration and publication.
2. Terms of publication
2.1. The article should meet the following criteria: relevance, novelty, compliance with the aim and scope of the journal (covering topical issues of imposition and execution of criminal punishments and other criminal law measures, crime prevention, development and functioning of the penal system and other law enforcement agencies of Russia and other countries, topical issues of criminal and penal law and criminology, criminal procedure, judicial activity, prosecutor’s activity, human rights work, law enforcement, forensics, intelligence-gathering activities, psychology and pedagogy), compliance with the scientific fields according to which the journal is included in the VAK List (5.1. Legal sciences, 5.3. Psychological sciences, 5.8. Pedagogical sciences). The article should contain a problem statement and a description of main research findings and conclusions. The article must be original (previously unpublished).
2.2. The full text of the article should be structured by sections. Any scientific article published in the journal should have an introduction and a conclusion. Other sections can be highlighted with thematic headings. Authors are recommended to adhere to the IMRAD structure (introduction, methods, results, and discussion.
2.3. Authors should present the text of the article logically and consistently, in accordance with the topic, taking into account the achievements of modern science and practice, relying on the results of their own research and using data from other sources for a more in-depth analysis of the issues under consideration.
2.4. The content of the article should be open. The presence of restricted data is the basis for rejecting the material from open publication.
2.5. Compliance with the formatting requirements. The editor considers scientific articles that are made in strict accordance with the established rules for submission of materials. These requirements are posted on the official website of the Institute.
2.6. All articles submitted to the editorial office are subject to mandatory review (examination). If a decision is made that the article cannot be published, the editor sends the author a reasoned refusal. The decision to publish the article is made by the Editorial Board of the journal.
2.7. All authors should have an ORCID profile (download Guidelines for using ORCID) and relevant IDs (the international indicator of authors and contributors ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an important and mandatory element of an article, contributing to its more efficient dissemination).
2.8 No author’s royalties are paid. Articles are published on a free-of-charge basis.
2.8. The editor keeps in touch with the author only by the e-mail address they provide. The editor does not bear responsibility for the unreliability of the e-mail address provided by the author and does not take any measures to find other ways to contact the author. If the author does not respond to the editor’s requests for more than three months, their article is removed from publication.
3. Guidelines for manuscript submission and formatting
3.1. Articles are sent to the following address of the journal’s editor: 2, Shchetinin street, Vologda, 160002, Russian Federation; e-mail:, (phone +7 (8172) 51-82-50, +7 (8172) 51-46-12, +7 (8172) 51-98-70).
3.2. Each author fills in a consent to the processing and publication of personal data (download template) and a license agreement for the submitted article (download template).
3.3. Articles should be submitted in electronic form. The file containing an article can be presented either on an electronic medium or as an attachment to the letter sent via e-mail. The electronic version of the article should be executed in Microsoft Word and have the .rtf or .doc (.docx) file extension. The file name indicates the last name(s) of the author(s), for example: “Ivanov.doc”, “Sidorov, Ivanov.rtf”; the names of graphic files attached to the article should contain the name(s) of the author(s) and the number of the figure, for example: “Ivanov. Figure 1.jpg”.
3.4. All abbreviations and acronyms are expanded at first use in the text.
3.5. The text of the article should be typed in A4 paper format, in 14-point Times New Roman (normal font), paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm, line spacing – 1.5, margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm. Pages should be numbered. Page numbers should be placed on the top and centered. There should be no page number on the first page of the article.
3.6. The volume of the article, excluding the surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree and rank, position, place of work and contact information (e-mail) of the author, title, abstract, keywords, references, including those translated into English, should not be less than 16 pages (recommended volume is up to 20 pages).
3.7. Figures, diagrams, and photos in the text should be duplicated and sent as separate files (figures, diagrams, photos should be saved in the .jpg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi; diagrams should be executed in Microsoft Excel). There should be a link to a specific drawing in the text of the article. Captions and comments to them are placed under the figure.
3.8. In the text of the article, there should be a space between the surname and initials, quotation marks “” should be used; manual hyphenation should not be used.
3.9. Formatting paragraphs with a tab or a space bar is not allowed. The paragraph indent should be set in the menu “Format → Paragraph → Indents and Spacing → First line (Indent –1.25 mm)”, centered text alignment.
3.10. The text of the article should be proofread by the author, who is responsible for the scientific and theoretical level of the published material.
3.11. Example of article formatting and layout (download).
4. Accompanying documents submitted with the article
4.1. License agreement in two copies signed by the author (authors) of the article (see License agreement template).
4.2. Information about the author (authors) and the article:
- title of the article;
- full name (names) of the author (authors);
- academic degree and academic rank of the author (authors), if any;
- position of the author (authors);
- full name of the organization – place of work of the author (authors), and the address of the organization;
- ORCID ID of the author (authors);
- contact information (е-mail) of the author (authors);
- abstract of the article;
- key words for the article;
- an indication to the universal decimal classification number (UDC) corresponding to the content of the article;
- the code and the name of the scientific specialty established by VAK (Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science) for the published material;
- acknowledgements – data on the funding for the publication.
5. Requirements for the information about the author (authors)
5.1. Information about the author (authors) and scientific article should be presented in English.
5.2. The title of the article should be informative.
5.3. There should be no abbreviations, including generally accepted ones, in the title of the article.
5.4. The author’s full name, academic degree and rank, and position should be given in full, without using any abbreviations, including generally accepted ones.
5.5. The name of the organization – place of work of the author should be given in accordance with the profile of the organization in the databases Web of Science or Scopus. In the absence of such a profile, the official full name of the organization is provided in accordance with the statutory documents of the organization where the author works.
5.6. The provided contact information (e-mail) should ensure that anyone who wants to contact the author can do it.
5.7. If the article has several authors, then either one e-mail for all authors or the e-mail of each author should be indicated.
6. Requirements for the abstract and keywords
6.1. When preparing an abstract for an article, the author should follow Russian GOST 7.9-95 Referat i annotatsiya. Obshchie trebovaniya [General requirements for abstracts].
6.2. The abstract should perform the following functions:
inform about the main content of the article and determine its relevance in such a way that the reader can decide whether they want to view the full text of the article;
eliminate the need to read the full text of the article if it is of secondary interest to the reader.
6.3. The abstract should be a brief and accurate statement of the content of the article, including the main factual information and conclusions of the described work.
6.4. The text of the abstract should be concise and succinct, without secondary information. It is recommended to adhere to the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion).
6.5. The abstract should contain 200–250 words. The volume of the abstract is determined by the content of the article (the volume of information, its scientific value and practical significance).
6.6. Example of an abstract layout:
Introduction: The article analyzes the significance of introducing the electronic criminal case for ensuring the legitimacy of criminal proceedings and the impact of such introduction on the unification of criminal procedure forms of different states in the new digital reality. Aim: Based on Russia’s historical experience of using procedural documents in criminal proceedings and taking into account the results of introducing electronic criminal cases in a number of modern foreign countries, this article aims to demonstrate the impact of applying digital technologies on the legitimacy and unification of criminal proceedings. Methods: Historical method, comparative legal method, empirical method of description and interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic; specific scientific methods such as the legal-dogmatic method and the method of legal norms interpretation. Results: We have analyzed the development of criminal procedure legislation and law enforcement practice in Russian and foreign countries. The study shows that the use of procedural document forms and electronic criminal cases can ensure the standardization and legitimacy of criminal proceedings provided that their content meets the requirements of law and is free from excessive details. The unifying effect of the electronic criminal case on criminal proceedings in states belonging to different legal families can be observed in the arising need to further develop competitiveness in pre-trial proceedings in Russia and to ensure access to justice. Conclusions: In order to adapt Russian criminal proceedings to the new digital reality and introduce the electronic criminal case, it is necessary to transform the pre-trial stages as follows: to introduce a new approach to pre-trial proceedings as to a public service aimed at providing citizens with access to justice; to grant unauthorized participants the right to file a petition to the court for depositing evidence, for undertaking measures to satisfy a claim, etc.; to vest the prosecutor with the right to initiate, substantiate and subsequently support the prosecution in court; to create a single digital platform for electronic interaction of public authorities and officials among themselves and with citizens with the provision of digital equality for all participants.
6.7. The number of keywords for the article should be 7–10, the number of words within the keyword phrase should be no more than three. At the same time, they should be informative and enable an effective search for this article in any database.
7. Requirements for references to literary sources
7.1. A scientific article should have at least 20–30 references that have an author (including at least 5–8 foreign sources in a foreign language). Author’s self-citation should be no more than 20% of the number of sources in the list. Self-citation of the journal is not recommended.
7.2. The journal uses the end-text references system in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. References to literary sources in the text of the article are given in square brackets with the number of the source from the bibliographic list given at the end of the article and, if necessary, the page number.
7.3. The bibliographic list should be formed from end-text references and should be executed in accordance with a modified Harvard standard (e.g. Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. Title of article. Title of Journal, year, vol., no., pp.). Special attention should be paid to specifying not only the place of publication, but also the publisher, the volume in a multi-volume edition, the total number of pages for a single book or the period of pages for articles, etc. (examples of bibliographic entries for the list of references are given below).
7.4. The title of the bibliographic list of references to literary sources should be indicated as “References”. The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order.
7.5. When transliterating from Cyrillic to Latin, the BSI (British Standards Institution) system should be used; it is recommended to use online transliterators, for example:
7.6. Examples of references to Russian-language sources (they can be used for English-language sources as well, if the transliteration is removed and the name of the source is italicized):
Book (monograph, collection of papers)
Chernikov V.V. Sovremennaya gosudarstvennaya sistema okhrany sobstvennosti v Rossii [Modern state system of property protection in Russia]. Moscow: Infra-M, 1995. 224 p.
Asmolov A.G. Tolerantnost’: ot utopii k real’nosti. Na puti k tolerantnomu soznaniyu [Tolerance: from utopia to reality. On a way to a tolerant consciousness]. Moscow, 2000. Pp. 4–7.
Shvetsov A.N., Sukonshchikov A.A., Kochkin D.V. et al. Raspredelennye intellektual'nye informatsionnye sistemy i sredy: monografiya [Distributed intelligent information systems and environments: a monograph]. Kursk: Universitetskaya kniga, 2017. 196 p.
Separate volume
Zhukova N.S. Azarov V.N. Inzhenernye sistemy i sooruzheniya: uchebnoe posobie. V 3 chastyakh. Chast' 1. Otoplenie i ventilyatsiya [Engineering systems and structures: a textbook. In 3 parts. Part 1. Heating and ventilation]. Volgograd: VolgGTU, 2017. 89 p.
Nikolaichenko V.V. Penitentsiarnye i postpenitentsiarnye prestupleniya: kriminalisticheskaya teoriya i praktika: dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni doktora yuridicheskikh nauk [Prison-related crimes and re-offending after release: criminalistic theory and practice: Doctor of Sciences (Law) dissertation]. Saratov, 2006. 453 p.
Dissertation abstracts
Chislov A.I. Professional'naya pravookhranitel'naya deyatel'nost' (teoretiko-pravovoe issledovanie): avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni doktora yuridicheskikh nauk [Professional law enforcement (theoretical and legal research): Doctor of Sciences (Law) dissertation abstract]. Saint Petersburg, 2000. 48 p.
Article in a collection of scientific papers
Yakimovich Yu.K. The formation of the Soviet progressive system of serving imprisonment terms (1918–1924). In: Remenson A.L., Filimonov V.D. (Eds.). Preduprezhdenie retsidivnoi prestupnosti v Sibiri: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Prevention of recidivism in Siberia: a collection of scientific papers]. Tomsk: Tomskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 1980. Pp. 17–26. (In Russ.).
Article from a book
Golovastova Yu.A. Novelties in the subject of penal law: modernization of penal relations. In: Seliverstov V.I. (Ed.). Obshchaya chast' novogo Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo kodeksa Rossiiskoi Federatsii: itogi i obosnovanie teoreticheskogo modelirovaniya [General part of the new Penal Code of the Russian Federation: results and substantiation of a theoretical modeling]. Moscow: Yurisprudentsiya, 2017. Pp. 237–243. (In Russ.).
Conference proceedings
Khatuaev V.U., Shaimova E.S. Problems of the effectiveness of punishments in the works of Soviet scientists of the second half of the 20th century. In: Sudebnaya vlast' i formy ee realizatsii v Rossii: sbornik materialov Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Judicial power and forms of its implementation in Russia: proceedings of an all-Russian scientific and practical conference]. Voronezh: Istoki: Tsentr. fil. Ros. akad. pravosudiya, 2011. Pp. 133–141. (In Russ.).
Journal article
Abakumova I.V., Ermakov P.N. On the issue of the person’s tolerance formation in polycultural education. Voprosy psikhologii=Approaches to Psychology, 2003, no. 3, pp. 78–82. (In Russ.).
Online journal article
Yakhyaev M.Ya. Religious and political extremism in the North Caucasus: prevention problems. Mir Kavkazu=Peace to The Caucasus. Available at: (In Russ.). (accessed 16 March 2013).
Zakon SSSR “Ob ugolovnoi otvetstvennosti za gosudarstvennye prestupleniia” ot 25.12.1958 [Law of the USSR “On criminal responsibility for state crimes” dated December 25, 1958]. Available at: (accessed 3 April 2013).
Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 403-FZ “On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation”. In: Sobranie zakonodatel’stva Rosiiskoi Federatsii [Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation]. 2011. No. 1. Art. 15. (In Russ.).
7.7. When compiling bibliographic references in English, the authors should take into account the following:
transliterated sources in the References should be always followed by their translation, the translation should be given in square brackets after the transliteration;
for unpublished documents, the shortest title with an indication “Unpublished” in parentheses can be given if it has authorship (so as to count author’s citations); if the document has no authorship, then the title should contain an indication “Unpublished Source” or “Unpublished Report”;
the source (journal, book, collection of papers, etc.) should be given in italics;
the number of pages in the publications (articles, books) should be indicated: page range in the publication is indicated as “pp.” before the pages; the number of pages in a complete edition is indicated as “p.” after specifying the number of pages;
if the book in the References is described in full, then the bibliographic description should indicate the full volume of the publication, regardless of which pages of this publication were cited in the text. The exception is when individual chapters from the book are used; in this case, the list of references contains a description of the chapter with the pages indicated.
7.8. Examples of references to English-language sources:
Journal article
Sartori G. Constitutionalism: a preliminary discussion. American Political Science Review, 1962, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 853–864. DOI:
Barbalet J. Emotion, Social Theory and Social Structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Article in a collection
Cloward R., Ohlin L. Illegitimate means and delinquent subcultures. In: Cloward R. et al. (Eds.). Theoretical Studies in Social Organization of the Prison. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1960. Pp. 45–49.
Conference proceedings
Khatuaev V.U., Shaimova E.S. Problems of the effectiveness of punishments in the works of Soviet scientists of the second half of the 20th century. In: Judicial Power and Forms of Its Implementation in Russia: Proceedings of an All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Voronezh: Istoki: Tsentr. fil. Ros. akad. pravosudiya, 2011. Pp. 133–141.
8. Work of the journal editor
8.1. Materials submitted to the journal are registered by the Executive Secretary in the article registration journal, with indication of the date of submission, title, name of the author (authors), affiliation of the author (authors).
8.2. Articles are published in the order of their submission to the editor; the order is determined by the portfolio of articles. At the same time, it is not allowed to publish two or more articles by the same author in one issue of the journal.
Priority in the publication is given to:
articles by doctors of sciences;
any articles by the decision of the members of the Editorial Board and Editorial Council of the journal, as agreed upon with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal or their deputy.
8.3. Registered materials are considered by the Editorial Board within a period not exceeding, as a rule, three months.
The Editorial Board sends the submitted materials for review.
The Editorial Board is authorized to carry out scientific editing of the received materials, if necessary, reduce them as agreed upon with the author or send the materials for revision to the author. The publication of a text that is not agreed upon with the author, as well as the inclusion of unauthorized persons in the number of co-authors, is not allowed.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject materials submitted for publication that do not meet the established requirements or the remit of the journal.
In case of rejection of the submitted materials, the Editorial Board sends the author a reasoned statement.
8.4. Scientific articles registered in accordance with the established procedure undergo peer review.
Scientific articles designed in strict accordance with the requirements for publications are allowed to be reviewed.
8.5. The Executive Secretary determines the compliance of the manuscript with the specialization field of the journal and with formatting requirements and, using software, checks it for compliance with copyright and related rights, and for the presence of borrowings.
8.6. Compliance with international standards of publication ethics is an integral part of the journal’s policy. The journal accepts only unique scientific research that has not been published elsewhere before. Articles submitted to the editor are checked for the uniqueness of the text using the “Antiplagiat” system.
The editor reserves the right to reject an article if the uniqueness of its text is less than 70%.
8.7. The Executive Secretary upon agreement with the Editor-in-Chief either submits the article for review to the specialist, doctor of sciences or professor (candidate of sciences or associate professor), whose scientific specialization is the closest to the topic of the article and who has publications within the topic of the article for the last three years, or hands the article over to the curator on the subject matter of the scientific publication within the Editorial Board.
8.8. The member of the Editorial Board responsible for the scientific field within the subject matter of the article:
submits the manuscript for review to recognized experts on the subject matter of the peer-reviewed material who have publications on the subject matter of the reviewed article within the last three years;
on the basis of the text of the article and reviews, makes a recommendation for the publication of the article (recommended for publication in the journal, not recommended for publication for any reason, recommended for publication after being revised).
8.9. There are two forms for the review of materials submitted for publication – internal and external.
Internal review of manuscripts is carried out by members of the Editorial Board or experts from among the staff of the Institute. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to review and edit the materials submitted for publication.
External review of manuscripts is carried out by recognized specialists in the relevant branch of scientific knowledge, who are not staff of the Institute.
8.10. The time period of review in each individual case is determined by the Editorial Board, taking into account the establishment of conditions for the most rapid publication of materials.
8.11. The review should cover the following issues:
correspondence of the content of the article to the topic stated in the title of the article;
the degree of compliance of the article with modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought;
accessibility of the article’s content to the journal’s readership in terms of language, style, material arrangement, visibility of tables, diagrams, figures, etc.;
expediency of publishing the article taking into account the previously published literature on this topic;
positive aspects and disadvantages of the article, the possibility of its being revised and supplemented by the author;
conclusion about the possibility of publication of the materials submitted for review in the journal: “recommended for publication”, “recommended for publication provided that the author revises and corrects the points specified by the reviewer” or “not recommended for publication”.
Reviews are certified in accordance with the procedure established in the institution where the reviewer works.
8.12. The presence of a favorable review is not a sufficient reason for the publication of the article. The final decision on the publication is made at the meeting of the Editorial Board and approved by the Editor-in-Chief.
If the article is rejected from publication, the Executive Secretary sends the author a reasoned refusal.
An article that is not recommended for publication by the reviewer is not accepted for re-consideration. The text of the unfavorable review is sent to the author.
8.13. The article sent by the author to the editor after it has been revised and corrected according to the comments of the reviewer is submitted for subsequent review to the specialist who made the comments.
8.14. Decisions on controversial issues regarding peer-reviewed materials are made by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board has the right to make proposals on including the submitted materials in the journal’s publication plan, improving the quality of the publication, and awarding authors and reviewers.
8.15. After the decision of the Editorial Board to accept the article for publication, the Executive Secretary informs the author about it and specifies the date of publication.
8.16. The original reviews are kept at the editorial office of the journal for five years.