Criminological characteristics of penal crime in the Republic of Belarus
Countering and overcoming crime is a priority for any sovereign state, contributes to its socio-economic development, strengthening the rule of law. The most important areas are also the preservation of the role of the state as a guarantor of personal security, the comprehensive improvement of the fight against crime, including in the framework of preventing the secondary criminalization of previously convicted persons. A special role in this process is played not only by the administration of correctional institutions of various kinds, but also by a set of preventive measures aimed at relieving tension in conditions of increased conflict of individuals. In this regard the study of certain indicators of crime in correctional institutions is a necessary area of work for the formation of a state based on the rule of law, which is ready to withstand internal criminal threats. As a result of the study certain quantitative and qualitative dependencies were identified regarding the commission of a part of socially dangerous acts in various correctional institutions of Belarus.
Keywords: crime; preventive measures; crime prevention; penal system of the Republic of Belarus; convicts
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