On the algorithm and software system for testing the motivations of the individual to success and avoiding failures
The authors developed an improved version of the test method for quantifying the level of motivation for success and avoiding failures. The method is based on the analysis of the answers to 32 test tasks, the laws of Yerkes-Dodson and the locus of control are also taken into account. The article presents an algorithm for quantifying an individual’s motivation for success and avoiding failures which consists of a series of steps. Test tasks are divided into two groups for separate assessment of motivation for success and motivation for avoiding failures. The matrices of optimal answers are determined. Matrix replies are entered. The force of motivation for success is calculated and the strength of the motivation for avoiding failures. Measures of discrepancies between response matrices and optimal answer matrices are estimated. An internal locus of control is assessed. To automate the process of testing students and processing results a software system was developed in which modern technologies were applied. It consists of two applications - the server and client part, the database. At the next stage of the study the developed program will be used to test students, expert assessments will be formed. In the future this tool (computer psychodiagnostics) will be used to create an expert system for quantifying the motivations of the individual with the use of neural and fuzzy technologies.
Keywords: motivation of a person in the learning process; quantitative assessment of motivation; locus of control; computer psychodiagnostics; analysis of test results.
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