Actualization of repentance of juvenile convicts by pedagogical means
Actualization of repentance of juvenile convicts by pedagogical means contains considerable moral potential. Repentance of juvenile offenders is regarded as a process and a result. As a process it includes the assessing a certain loss caused by the crime. The result of repentance is understanding negative consequences of the crime, taking criminal actions as erroneous, refusal to commit further crimes. The mechanisms of repentance include emotional response to the consequences of the crime and reflection. The purposefulness and consistency of educational work, focused on the actualization of the repentance of juvenile convicts, is ensured by the use of a system of pedagogical methods aimed at the formation of reflexive ideas, the organization of active repentance, stimulating positive post-criminal behavior, control and self-control. The effectiveness of pedagogical activities to actualize repentance of juvenile convicts can be determined by the following criteria: the measure of pedagogical impact on the individual, the measure of the means implementation of the educational system of correctional institutions, the measure of implementation of pedagogical interaction.
Keywords: juvenile convicts; capacity to repentance; reflection; emotional response; actualization of repentance; pedagogical principle; pedagogical means.
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