Legal Regulation of the Organization of Supervision of Convicts for Forced Labor in Correctional Centers
This article is devoted to the study of the problem of the legal regulation of supervision of convicts in correctional centers. The content of the norms of both the federal and departmental levels, which establish the basic requirements for the organization of supervision over convicts for forced labor, is disclosed. To date the legislation does not adequately reflect the implementation of a number of regime measures on the territory of correctional centers. In particular the procedure for the examinations and searches as well as cases of their mandatory conduct has not been regulated. In this regard it seems advisable to adopt a separate normative act that consolidates the grounds, the procedure for the production of examinations and searches in the territory of correctional centers, seizures and the destruction of the detected prohibited items, fixing the samples of documents required to fill in the results of these activities. In some regulatory acts that regulate the organization of supervision in correctional centers there are disagreements in the terminology used. For example, in the Rules of internal regulations of correctional centers, instead of the «safe place» turnover, the combination «safe premises for short-term detention of convicts for up to 24 hours» should be used, which corresponds to the norms of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. The list of normatively fixed technical means of control and supervision used in correctional centers lacks systems for controlling access to the territory. This gap should be eliminated by introducing appropriate changes, which will allow more effective organization of supervision over convicts and prevention of unauthorized penetration into correctional centers. The article presents a number of proposals on the planning of supervision of convicts for forced labor monitoring of service. In particular it is proposed to provide a plan for the day and also to assign to the deputy head of the correctional center the duty to supervise the organization of supervision. It is also necessary to remove gaps in the issues of normative fixing of the algorithms of actions of the employees of the centers in the event of various emergency circumstances.
Keywords: correctional centers; forced labor; organization of supervision; means of supervision; legal regulation of supervision.
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