Journal section PAGES OF HISTORY
V.A. Sollogub and his participation in the process of reforming the penal system (1870–1874)
The article reviews the activities of the famous Russian writer Vladimir Sollogub as a leader of the experiment, the purpose of which was to create an effective model of a new type of correctional institution. The experiment was started in 1865 at the Moscow prison and was an important step in the design process of national transformation of the penal system.
Keywords: V.А. Sollogub; prison; prisoner; reform; XIX century; history of the penal system.
candidate of historical sciences associate professor of
philosophy and history of the Pskov legal institute of Federal service of execution
of punishments of Russia
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fifth-year cadet of the Pskov Law Institute of the Penal Service of Russia
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1 Sm.: Annenkov M.N. Mezhdunarodnyj tjuremnyj
kongress i anglijskie tjur'my // Vestnik Evropy. 1873. № 2.
S. 715. 2 Sm.: Perezhitye dni (rasskazy o sebe po povodu drugih)
grafa V.A. Solloguba // Russkij mir. 1874. № 201. S. 2. 3 Tam zhe. S. 1.
4 Sm.: Bishtok V.L. Materialy dlja istorii russkoj tjur'my //
Sbornik pravovedenija i obshhestvennyh znanij. Trudy
juridicheskogo obshhestva, sostojashhego pri Imperatorskom
Moskovskom universitete i ego statisticheskom otdelenii. SPb.,
1894. T. III. S. 151. 5 Sm.: Simatov A.A. Tjuremnaja reforma v Rossii (1860–
90-e gg.): Dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. Irkutsk, 1998. S. 101–102. 6 Iz zapiski grafa Solloguba po poezdke v Shveciju, Daniju,
Gamburg i Bel'giju // Russkij mir. 1874. № 247. S. 2. 7 Sm.: Simatov A.A. Tjuremnaja reforma v Rossii (1860–
90-e gg.). S. 103. 8 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 104.
9 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 106.
10 Sm.: Juferov V.N. Materialy tjuremnoj statistiki v Rossii.
SPb., 1873. 11 Sm.: Simatov A.A. Tjuremnaja reforma v Rossii (1860–
90-e gg.). S. 116–117. 12 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 122.
kongress i anglijskie tjur'my // Vestnik Evropy. 1873. № 2.
S. 715. 2 Sm.: Perezhitye dni (rasskazy o sebe po povodu drugih)
grafa V.A. Solloguba // Russkij mir. 1874. № 201. S. 2. 3 Tam zhe. S. 1.
4 Sm.: Bishtok V.L. Materialy dlja istorii russkoj tjur'my //
Sbornik pravovedenija i obshhestvennyh znanij. Trudy
juridicheskogo obshhestva, sostojashhego pri Imperatorskom
Moskovskom universitete i ego statisticheskom otdelenii. SPb.,
1894. T. III. S. 151. 5 Sm.: Simatov A.A. Tjuremnaja reforma v Rossii (1860–
90-e gg.): Dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. Irkutsk, 1998. S. 101–102. 6 Iz zapiski grafa Solloguba po poezdke v Shveciju, Daniju,
Gamburg i Bel'giju // Russkij mir. 1874. № 247. S. 2. 7 Sm.: Simatov A.A. Tjuremnaja reforma v Rossii (1860–
90-e gg.). S. 103. 8 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 104.
9 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 106.
10 Sm.: Juferov V.N. Materialy tjuremnoj statistiki v Rossii.
SPb., 1873. 11 Sm.: Simatov A.A. Tjuremnaja reforma v Rossii (1860–
90-e gg.). S. 116–117. 12 Sm.: Tam zhe. S. 122.