Moral-aesthetic education of personality on the basis of A.S. Makarenko ideas in correctional institutions of the Vologda region
This article is devoted to the ideas of the Russian teacher A.S. Makarenko about the moral-aesthetic education of the personality of the offender. The implementation of these ideas in the activity of correctional institutions of the Vologda region contributes to the moral change of personality, development of his creativity, responsibility, search for the meaning of life, which has a positive influence on the process of correction of the convicted person.
Keywords: pedagogical ideas of A.S. Makarenko; moral-aesthetic education of the convicts; the activity of correctional institutions of the Vologda region.
Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and
Pedagogics of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal
Service of Russia, Dsc. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor; Member of the
International Academy of Pedagogical Education
, e-mail
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