Legal and organizational aspects of the penal priesthood in Russia
The article deals with the basics of legal regulation of the interaction of the penal system with religious organizations. The analysis of the current international and domestic legislation in this area is done. The corresponding legal acts are presented by groups depending on the volume of regulated social relations: normative legal acts of general, inter-branch and branch nature. The article formulates proposals on the need for regulatory consolidation of specific forms of interaction between the penal system and religious organizations, the set of rights and obligations of these subjects. Also the main problems in the organization of activity of penal priesthood are described. In order to take into account the interests of believers of different religious faiths it is proposed to create informal working groups under territorial bodies which may include representatives of centralized traditional religions of Russia on a voluntary basis. Further development of the institution of penal priesthood in Russia is seen in the expansion of forms of interaction, in particular, the work on spiritual and moral influence on convicts should be carried out both during the period of punishment and after release. Also one of the directions of development of penal priesthood in Russia is its presence at the international level.
Keywords: penal system; penal priesthood; correctional process; believer; religious organization; right to freedom of religion.
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