Infliction of punishment for forming and participation in organized crime gang
The article gives a detailed analysis of the statistical practical data in the infliction
of punishment for crimes set by the articles 208-210 of the Criminal Code of Russian
Federation. Some conclusions are made pointing to the fact that the repressive legal
potential is not entirely applied in the judicial practice; such kinds of penalty as fines and
seizure of property are used insufficiently.
Keywords: punishment; conditional sentence; sanction; organized crime gang; seizure of property
a chief case investigator at the Criminal
Investigation Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
of Russia, an applicant of the Russian Justice Academy.
, e-mail
1 Iz analiza nami byli iskljucheny dannye o naznachenii
nakazanija za organizaciju jekstremistskogo soobwestva i uchastie
v nem (o chisle osuzhdennyh po st. 282.1 UK RF), poskol’ku ih
nel’zja schitat’ reprezentativnymi.
2 Sm., napr.: Ermakova T.N. Banda i prestupnoe
soobwestvo (prestupnaja organizacija) kak formy souchastija:
sravnitel’no-pravovoj analiz: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.
M., 2009. S. 12; Skotinina V.N. Komparativistskoe issledovanie
sostava organizacii prestupnogo soobwestva (prestupnoj
organizacii): vnutrigosudarstvennyj, mezhdunarodnyj i
zarubezhnyj aspekty: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M.,
2008. S. 9.
nakazanija za organizaciju jekstremistskogo soobwestva i uchastie
v nem (o chisle osuzhdennyh po st. 282.1 UK RF), poskol’ku ih
nel’zja schitat’ reprezentativnymi.
2 Sm., napr.: Ermakova T.N. Banda i prestupnoe
soobwestvo (prestupnaja organizacija) kak formy souchastija:
sravnitel’no-pravovoj analiz: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.
M., 2009. S. 12; Skotinina V.N. Komparativistskoe issledovanie
sostava organizacii prestupnogo soobwestva (prestupnoj
organizacii): vnutrigosudarstvennyj, mezhdunarodnyj i
zarubezhnyj aspekty: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M.,
2008. S. 9.